The winner of the prestigious Red Dot Award for Product Design, KinderStep is a self-retracting step-stool that allows children and people of smaller stature to wash their hands properly and safely in public and commercial restrooms. Available in Black, Gray, and White.
This is more important now than ever as the CDC continues to promote hand-washing as one of the most important ways to prevent and avoid Covid-19.
KinderStep retractable step stools will allow children to reach the sink and soap dispensers properly and practice good hygiene. This minimizes the spreading of bacteria, germs, and viruses such as COVID-19.
The KinderStep allows all children and adults, regardless of stature, to properly reach the sink in public and commercial bathrooms. Not only does this allow for better hygiene practices, but it will keep counters and floors dry.
While KinderStep is bolted into the floor, the confined base conceals the anchors which, if left exposed, would become dirty and unsightly. This means KinderStep has no metallic edges that can rust and pose danger. This is a feature unique to KinderStep that is not included in other self retracting step stools.
Your customers and co-workers will thank you.